Abbeydale Junction redesign
Abbeydale Junction’s fiddle yard is having a makeover in order to accommodate the loco sidings and turntable to outside the main loop in order to make way for future developments.
New boards for the loco storage area, June 2021
Uninstalling original fiddle yard point work at the right hand end. The left hand end has already been modified
Laying in the centre roads onto the new baseboards, July 2021
October 2021 and attention moves to the loco yard at the far side of the boards. Installation of the turntable is underway.
Work progression in August
November 2021 and track laying is underway around the turntable.
Track laying in progress for storage sidings and the branch loops
Tracks on the inner loops and branch loops are nearly complete
Baseboards rewiring underway in December 2021
More rewiring, progress as at April 2022
This is a picture of Board 17a, which is the board that now contains the removable turntable, which is sitting on top of the right-hand-side of the fiddle yard in the picture, hence the large square gap in the board at the bottom left, where the clamp is.  The single red wires that appear on the right are the positive feeds to the six stabling roads off the turntable, the collection of sixteen small blue components are the relays that will operate the electrical isolation of these roads, and the two (greenish) MERG modules lurking above the relay board are the controls for the relays.  There are a further number of isolation sections (on Board 17, not shown) on the approach roads to the turntable.  The small, manual, control panel hiding on the side wall of the board to the right will control the direction and speed of the turntable rotation, and the panel to control isolation choices and the two points in the turntable yard will sit on the top right of the board (as it appears) will have lots of pretty lights to show what is isolated and what isn’t and which way the points are set, and will slot between this board and the curved board leading off to Grimlea.
Update 7/7/2023